
3 Tips to Help Your Compressed Air System Beat the Heat

During the scorching summer months in the Midwest, taking the right precautions when using an industrial air compressor is crucial. Failing to address the necessary maintenance needs can lead to decreased efficiency, costly repairs, and potential downtime. With the summer weather in mind, we share three essential tips to help your compressed air system beat the heat and encourage optimal performance. By implementing these measures, you can avoid unnecessary disruptions and keep your operations running smoothly. 

Optimal Performance of Your Compressed Air System in the Heat

Let’s explore the three key tips to keep your compressed air system running this summer: 

Tip 1: Sufficient Cooling and Ventilation

Proper cooling and ventilation are paramount when operating an air compressor in hot weather. Use the compressor in a well-ventilated area with ample airflow. Position it away from walls or obstructions that could impede air circulation. If necessary, employ additional fans or ventilation systems to enhance cooling efficiency. Clean or replace air filters to prevent the accumulation of debris, which can slow the cooling process and compromise system performance.

Tip 2: Monitor and Maintain Proper Oil Levels

Heat can accelerate the breakdown of lubricating oil in an air compressor, leading to insufficient lubrication and increased friction among internal components. To combat this, monitor the oil level regularly and keep it within the manufacturer’s recommended range. Opting for high-quality synthetic oils designed for high-temperature applications is also advisable, as they offer improved stability and performance. Adequate lubrication will enhance efficiency, minimize wear and tear, and extend the lifespan of your compressed air system.

Tip 3: Schedule Regular Maintenance

Extreme temperatures can amplify the wear and tear on your compressed air system. By getting regular maintenance, you can address potential issues before they escalate. Conduct thorough inspections to identify any signs of damage, leaks, or worn-out parts. Pay close attention to belts, hoses, and connections for any degradation or cracks. Additionally, check to see if the cooling system is functioning optimally. Following the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance tasks such as filter replacements, oil changes, and overall system inspections will significantly contribute to the longevity and reliability of your compressed air system.

Precautions Pay Off

Implementing these three tips can prevent the negative consequences of neglecting your compressed air system in hot weather. Taking the necessary precautions will help you:

  • Maintain consistent productivity by avoiding unexpected system failures and downtime.
  • Minimize repair costs and extend the life of your air compressor.
  • Optimize energy efficiency and reduce operating costs.
  • Preserve product quality by maintaining consistent air pressure and reducing contaminants.

The impact of hot weather on machinery may be much higher than you realize. High temperatures can have a detrimental effect on industrial machinery, and air compressors are no exception. Excessive heat can strain the compressor, causing it to overheat and potentially lead to severe damage. It is vital to implement preventive measures in hot weather conditions to mitigate these risks.

What to Do If You Notice Signs of Overheating

Signs of overheating include elevated operating temperatures, excessive noise, tripping of safety mechanisms/shutdown of the compressor, and reduced performance. If you notice any of these signs of overheating, be sure to:

  • Shut Down the Compressor: If you suspect your compressor is overheating, the first step is to turn it off immediately. 
  • Allow for Cooling Time: Give it sufficient time to cool down after shutting down. Disconnect from the power supply to avoid accidents during cooling. Open windows or use fans to enhance airflow around the compressor to expedite cooling.
  • Inspect for Obstructions: Check the compressor for obstructions restricting airflow, such as debris, dust, or blocked vents and clear any obstacles.
  • Check the Oil Level: While the compressor is cooling down, take the opportunity to inspect the oil level. Add or replace oil if necessary.
  • Inspect Cooling Systems: Examine all fans, radiators, or heat exchangers. Clean or replace any clogged filters and make sure the cooling components function correctly. 
  • Contact a Professional: If you’ve followed the above steps and still have concerns about your compressor’s overheating issue, it’s best to work with a technician to diagnose the problem and identify any underlying issues.

Beat the Heat with Brabazon and Our Compressed Air System Options

We encourage you to take these measures to protect your equipment and keep your operations running smoothly. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance or maintenance services. Beat the heat and make sure your compressed air system operates at its best all year round!