Preventative Lift Station Maintenance

Lift Station Preventative Maintenance

Lift stations are often featured in industrial sanitary and stormwater applications where elevation or other restrictions impede the flow of gravity. These stations are also called pump stations, lift pumps, sump pumps, sewage ejectors and dock pumps.

If you use a lift station for your industrial purposes and are looking for regular lift station maintenance services, you are in luck. Brabazon has over 30 years of experience maintaining and repairing industrial wastewater/water treatment pumps and blowers of all makes and models.

Lift Station Southern MO

24 Hour Emergency Service in the Midwest

While regular lift station preventative maintenance is ideal and tends to identify and address the majority of lift station issues, you may still need emergency service from time to time. Brabazon offers 24-hour emergency service on lift stations in the Midwest, with locations in Green Bay, Milwaukee, Wausau, Minneapolis/St. Paul and Northern Illinois. This service is vital for getting your lift station up and running as quickly as possible to minimize operational downtime and any resulting damage or loss of revenue. Because we are experienced with all brands and types of lift stations, we will come prepared to address issues specific to your equipment and its applications.

Cost Saving Lift Station Preventative Maintenance

Over a lift station’s lifespan, nothing is more important for maintaining its productivity than regular preventative maintenance. In particular, regularly scheduled preventative maintenance can save you on costly repairs, revenue loss due to downtime and potentially expensive emergency services.

When Brabazon performs regular lift station maintenance, we address issues that we know are common across lift stations. For example, we inspect impellers for wear and tear because worn-out impellers have a negative effect on a lift station pump’s efficiency. In fact, a worn impeller often causes a pump to use significantly more electricity to operate as a result of its diminished efficiency. In the worst cases, the worn impeller and increased electrical demands can lead to premature failure of the pump motor. This outcome is most likely if left undetected and unattended.

Because of the potential for electrical overload and failures, Brabazon’s maintenance team also performs complete electrical checks on the lift station system. These electrical checks include vibration reading/monitoring, motor meg testing and amperage and voltage readings. We record and document these findings in a report that includes pictures of each lift station and pump for your reference and understanding of any issues identified.

What Else Our Lift Station Preventative Maintenance Includes

In addition to impeller inspection and electrical monitoring, Brabazon’s lift station maintenance includes a variety of checkpoints to fully address the most likely potential issues. This full maintenance inspection includes:

  • Measurement and documentation of upper and lower motor bearing vibration.
  • Oil level and quality inspection.
  • Lifting chain/cable inspection.
  • Pump power cables inspection.
  • Measurement of the incoming and running line voltage.
  • Review of the amperage draw on the unloaded and loaded motor.
  • Measurement of the secondary voltage supply.
  • Motor megging.
  • Power quality analysis.
  • Ring clearance check, if applicable.
  • Visual inspection of the guide rail conditions.
  • Visual inspection of check valve functionality.
  • Automatic and manual controls check.
  • High water alarm circuit test.
  • Floats and/or transducer checks.
  • Review for signs of blow-by on the base elbows.
  • Control panel inspection.

Contact Brabazon for Lift Station Preventative Maintenance

For answers to all your questions about lift station preventative maintenance and our 24 hour emergency service, contact us today. And if you are ready to better insure your lift station investment and its vital role in your operations, schedule lift station preventative maintenance through one of our convenient Midwest locations.